ハーフ・ロータス コラム / half lotus COLUMN

中里花子さんのHat bowls
Hat bowls by Hanako NAKAZATO

2018年2月17日 / Feb 17, 2018

今日は中里花子さんのHat bowlをご紹介します。

サイズは、S, M, Lの3つです。

hatbowls.jpgHat bowlの魅力は何といっても「柔らかな曲線」!






Hat bowl L : 8,640円

Hat bowl M : 4,320円

Hat wowl S : 3,240円 (いずれも税込)

Today's items are Hat bowls made by Hanako NAKAZATO.

There are 3 sizes, S, M, and L.

The charmpoint is its smooth curve !

This beautiful curve prevents white items to be too simple

and makes food look much more delicious.

Pat thai noodle is on the L size and steamed cabbage is on the S.

M size will be good as small plates to enjoy with friends.

All the size can be stucked into a whole.

Hat bowl L : 8,640 yen  (tax included)

Hat bowl M : 4,320 yen  (tax included)

Hat wowl S : 3,240 yen (tax included)
