ハーフ・ロータス コラム / half lotus COLUMN

菱型小鉢~藤塚光男 器展より
small bowl of diamond shape

2019年6月23日 / Jun 23, 2019


「ひしがた ふきずみ りんか こづけ」と読みます。

square bowl-1.jpg吹墨は17世紀に中国で始まった技法で、呉須を口で直接吹きかけたり、スプレーを使ったりします。



square bowl-2.jpg中を覗くと、こんな感じで吹き付けられた呉須の模様が出来ています。

square bowl-4.jpg型で作られているので、きちんと重ねられます。

5square bowl-1.jpg呉須の模様に濃淡がついているので、それぞれに個性があります。




*菱型吹墨輪花小付 2,160円(税込)

Today's item is diamond-shape small bowl with Fukizumi technique.

This item is called "Hishigata Fukizumi Rinka Kozuke".

Fukizumi is one of the techniques from China and this technique started to be used in 17C.

The blue patterns are made by blowing with mouth or spraying.

Kozuke means dishes served on a small bowl or a small plate as snacks for sake.

Looking inside, there are a lot of Gosu blue dots.

These items are good for storing in the cupboard.

The size is 7cm wide, 9cm depth, and 2.7cm height.

They are really good for snacks for drinks, however,

they are also good for pickled vegetables and different tastes of dip.

*diamond-shape small bowl of Fukizumi 2,160 yen(tax included)
