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荒川 尚也 (Naoya ARAKAWA)

Location of Pottery or Atelier / Activity base :
Seikosha Glass Studio - Nakayama, Kyotanba-cho, Kyoto

Mr. Arakawa makes even ingredients of glass by himself. Two kilns and tools to make glasses in the studio are blackened as the temperature of inside is more than 1,000 ℃. It was impressive to see shinny glasses are created from the smoke-covered place. Some of his works are added other glass additionally so as to make them round and soft feature.


1995 : Moved the studio to Nakayama, Kyotanba-cho, Kyoto

1981 : Established Seikosha Glass Studio in Hosotani, Kyotanba-cho, Kyoto

1978 : Graduated from Hokkaido University. Started to learn skills of glass-blowing at the glassblowing studio, Toyohira Glass in Sapporo

1953 : Born in Kyoto


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